What Is The Doodle Challenge?
The Doodle Challenge (TDC) is an exciting cognitive tool that can foster creativity, improve your problem solving and communication skills all while reducing stress in order to build stronger creative minds and happier people. Based in neuroscience, psychology and design/art theory, The Doodle Challenge has been carefully developed for your brain's enjoyment!

How To Play
Play on your own or solo. Shuffle the 60 unique Doodle Cards and each player selects the top card from the deck. Flip over the card and solve it by adding to the existing markings to create a scene or story. Add a caption or title to earn the total points each card is worth (There are 6 levels of difficulty). For added fun, complete each round against a timer or swap cards with other players to "Doodle Challenge" them for a chance to earn more points. Remember there are no wrong doodles! With multiple ways to play, the possibilities
are endless!
The Doodle Challenge is not only hilarious it has
numerous health benefits too!
Playing The Doodle Challenge can help individuals and groups lead more mindful and creative lives.
The Doodle Challenge helps with:





Creative Block


Solutions For Business & Schools
Workshops, assessments and bulk orders are available for organizations who wish to implement The Doodle Challenge as part of their staff/student wellness programs. 69% of organizations have implemented wellness programs since 2018 and this trend is on the rise. Help your team break down creative blocks, increase their mindfulness and develop clearer communication techniques with our customized remote and in person solutions.

Every week we post a mini Doodle Challenge for you to solve. Create a new solution every day for the week or just solve it once. Post your solution/s to instagram and tag us @thedoodlechallengegame and your doodle will be seen by doodlers all over the world. It may even get featured on our Instagram and website!

Tired of carrying your daily or weekly stress? Why not leave your stress from the day or week behind with The Stress Box? Anonymously write down and let go of anything that has you stressed out, burnt out, disconnected or self-doubting. Your brain will thank you!

Stress, disconnect, self-doubt, and burnout... four key factors that can impact our well being, happiness, and cognitive function. The KLS test will reveal where your levels fall and provide insights on how to maintain or decrease your score.

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